
April 2023

Quick Facts

Chinese/U.S. DesignationDF-27, CSS-X-24
Role and MobilityHypersonic Glide Vehicle-armed Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile, with land attack and antiship variants
Designer/ProductionPeople’s Republic of China
Warhead Type and WeightConventional, Nuclear, Hypersonic; Unknown
MIRV and YieldNo MIRV Capabilities; Unknown
Guidance System/AccuracyUnknown; Unknown
Stages/PropellantUnknown; Solid
IOC/Retirement2021; In Service
Status/Number of UnitsIn Service; Unknown


The Dongfeng-27 was first mentioned in the DoD’s annual China Military Power Report in 2021, which stated that a “long range” DF-27 was “in development.” Official PLA documents state that the missile has a range of 5,00-8,000km, the range of an IRBM or ICBM. According to a leaked classified daily briefing by the J-2 dated February 28, 2023, the DF-27 was successfully tested three days earlier on Feburary 25, flying for 12 minutes and traveling 2,100km. Additionally, it was revealed in this document that the DF-27 mounted a hypersonic glide vehicle. The report also said DF-27 variants that could hit land and naval targets were also deployed last year, likely in limited numbers.

Strategic Implications

The leaked February 2023 report stated that the DF-27 “is designed to enhance [China’s] ability to hold targets at risk beyond the Second Island Chain and possesses a high probability of penetrating U.S. BMD(ballistic missile defenses).” The newest weapon in the Chinese hypersonic inventory, the DF-27, with its range, speed, and ability to maneuver in flight, is a potent “carrier killer.” Additionally, it has the ability to hit targets as far as Hawaii.

Missile Threat and Proliferation
