

In addition to the Iskander-M, Russia also plans to produce an exportable version called the Iskander-E. It has a shorter range of 280 km to come in under MTCR (Missile Control Technology Regime) standards, but is accurate to a CEP of 30-70m and is equipped with an inertial guidance system to improve accuracy. [1] Supplies of the Iskander-E have been suspended as a result of the Kolomna Machine-Building design bureau reaching capacity, delaying the export of the missile until 2016. [2] Before that decision, Rosoboronexport official Nikolai Dimidyuk reported interest from Syria, the UAE, Malaysia, India, Algeria, Kuwait, Singapore, Vietnam and South Korea in purchasing the system. [3]

Click here to learn more about the Iskander-M.


[1] Sokov, Nikolai. June 1, 2007. Center for Nonproliferation Studies. “Russia Tests a New Ground-Launched Cruise Missile and a New Strategic Missile on the Same Day.” Accessed 2-13-15

[2] ITAR-TASS News Agency. August 13, 2014. “No Iskander missile system export until 2016 — design bureau.” Accessed 3-31-2015.

[3] Sieff, Martin. October 3, 2008. United Press International. “Russia’s Iskander is ideal weapon to hit BMD bases.”

Missile Threat and Proliferation
