Additional Resources

MDAA Graphics

U.S. Missile Defense Systems Around the World (Maps)

Interactive Map of Strategic Missile RDT&E Events

MDAA Factsheets

Increasing Hawaii’s Capabilities Against North Korea

Missile Defense in the Pacific

Operationalizing PMRF in Hawaii for Emergency Use

Increasing Alaska’s Missile Defense Capabilities 

MDAA Presentations

Riki Ellison Presentation at SMDWG – January 2021

Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Director Prepared Testimonies, MDA Congressional Budget Hearings

Senate Armed Services Committee 2015

House Armed Services Committee 2015

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense 2015

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense 2014

Senate Armed Services Committee 2014

House Armed Services Committee 2014

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense 2013

Senate Armed Services Committee 2013

House Armed Services Committee 2013

Senate Armed Services Committee 2012

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense 2012

House Armed Services Committee 2012

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense 2011

Senate Armed Services Committee 2011

House Armed Services Committee 2011

House Armed Services Committee 2010

Senate Armed Services Committee 2010

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense 2010

Other Hearings

House Armed Services Committee 2010 Hearing on EPAA

Senate Foreign Relations Committee 2010 on new START Effect on BMD

MDA Budget Reports

FY2017 Budget

FY2016 Budget

FY2015 Budget

FY2014 Budget

FY2013 Budget

FY2012 Budget

FY2011 Budget

Congressional Bills

The 2017 “Advancing America’s Missile Defense Act” introduced by Senator Dan Sullivan (R – AK) 

Congressional Budget Mark-Ups

H.R. 2818 – FY18 National Defense Authorization Bill (House Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces) – June 2017 

MDA Selected Acquisition Reviews

MDA SAR 2014

MDA SAR 2013

MDA SAR 2011

MDA SAR 2010

Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) Reports






Government Accountability Office (GAO) Reports

GAO December 2014

GAO April 2014 Europe

GAO April 2014

GAO April 2013

Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports

Navy Aegis BMD Program

Ballistic Missile Defense in the Asia-Pacific Region

Long-Range Ballistic Missile Defense in Europe 

Missile Defense and NATO’s Lisbon Summit

Navy Shipboard Lasers for Surface, Air, and Missile Defense

Strategy and Policy Documents

2019 Missile Defense Review

2014 Quadrennial Defense Review

2014 DOD Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Strategy

2010 Ballistic Missile Defense Review

2010 DOD Ground-based Midcourse Defense Report

2010 Nuclear Posture Review

Non-Government Reports

Airborne Boost-Phase Ballistic Missile Defense (Dean A. Wilkening)

The United States’ European Phased Adaptive Approach Missile Defense System: Defending Against Iranian Missile Threats Without Diluting the Russian Deterrent (RAND Report by Jaganath Sankaran)

Missile Defense: Getting to the Elusive “Right Side of the Cost Curve” (Brigadier General Kenneth E. Todorov (USAF ret.)

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Reports

Challenges to Security in Space (2019)

China Military Power: Modernizing a Force to Fight and Win (2019)

Presidential Statements Supporting Missile Defense

President Donald Trump

“As part of our military build-up, the United States is developing a state-of-the-art Missile Defense System.”

“Together we unite behind a noble mission to shield our country with the greatest missile defense systems anywhere on the face of the earth.”

President Barack Obama

“[And] after an extensive process, I have approved the unanimous recommendations of my Secretary of Defense and my Joint Chiefs of Staff to strengthen America’s defenses against ballistic missile attack. This new approach will provide capabilities sooner, build on proven systems, and offer greater defenses against the threat of missile attack than the 2007 European missile defense program.”

President George W. Bush

“In August 2002, the Secretary of Defense proposed an evolutionary way ahead for the deployment of missile defenses, The capabilities planned for operational use in 2004 and 2005 will include ground-based interceptors, sea-based interceptors, additional Patriot (PAC-3) units, and sensors based on land, at sea, and in space.”

President George H.W. Bush

“Now, with remarkable technological advances like the Patriot missile, we can defend against ballistic missile attacks aimed at innocent civilians. Looking forward, I have directed that the SDI [Strategic Defense Initiative] program be refocused on providing protection from limited ballistic missile strikes, whatever their source. Let us pursue an SDI program that can deal with any future threat the to United States, to our forces overseas, and to our friends and allies.”

President Ronald Reagan

“Let me share with you a vision of the future which offers hope. It is that we embark on a program to counter the awesome Soviet missile threat with measures that are defensive.”

“What if free people could live secure in the knowledge that their security did not rest upon the threat of instant U.S. retaliation to deter a Soviet attack, that we could intercept and destroy strategic ballistic missiles before they reached our own soil or that of our allies?”

Resource Library


Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff