December 7, 2006

December 07, 2006

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii December 7, 1941

On this historic date, MDAA is honored and fortunate to be in the State of Hawaii. This anniversary stands as a clear reminder to our nation as much or more than September 11, 2001. Our nation must be prepared and defended against attacks and threats to America. We are in the process of strengthening a secure homeland defense. Missile defense is a core pillar, integrated with homeland defense and border security.

Today on this memorable day, we honor those whose lives have been taken by the unpreparedness of our government. This solemn celebration recognized by the citizens of Hawaii, and the men and women that served at Pearl Harbor that fateful day, is a stark reminder to those in Congress being selected and confirmed as Chairmen of our Armed Services Committees and to the incoming Secretary of Defense, Dr. Robert M. Gates.

MDAA was in Kauai, Hawaii preparing for an Aegis missile test off the coast of the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Barking Sands. The planned test which was due today is now deferred to Spring 2007 as operational factors have caused this delay. Though this event is discouraging, the testing enables our defenses to be more efficient and more effective.

The will of our country to lead our world and defenses is enhanced by the memories of this date and our continual development and deployment of our missile defense.

May Pearl Harbor or September 11th never happen again.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff