Not Enough

June 29, 2006

We, as a nation, are assured that our emergency missile defense system has the capability to shoot down, track, discriminate, and take multiple intercept shots at an incoming North Korean missile that would threaten the territory and air space of the United States of America.

MDAA endorses Japan decision to deploy a variety of missile defense systems in the wake of a potential intrusion of its sovereign air space by North Korea. In addition to the single North Korean missile currently on station at the Musudan-ri Launch Pad, North Korea has over 600 Scud and other missiles deployed in range of Japanese territories.

It is, however, with great concern that with current U.S. and Japanese missile defense assets deployed and activated, the Taepo-dong missile now being readied on the Musudan-ri Launch Pad remains viable once launched and targeted at Japan.

It is of grave concern due to the geography, physics, and the rotation of the earth for efficient space launch that a North Korean missile test will involve flying over the territory and airspace of Japan. With this predicament in the forefront, we as a nation must continue to join with our international partners to develop boost phase missile defenses such as the Airborne Laser and the Kinetic Energy Interceptor – both of which will have the ability to destroy ballistic missiles in the first few minutes after they are launched-and continue our development and fielding of additional ground and sea-based interceptors.

It is of great alarm and concern that North Korea continues to embark on development, production, and testing of missiles that can threaten both the United States and Japan as well as Europe, Australia and others. This threat is here and now.

What we have in place collectively as an international community to defeat ballistic missiles is not enough.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff