A Tale of Two Views

October 23, 2012

Dear Members and Friends,

The final 2012 U.S. Presidential debate took place last night as both electable candidates, President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, presented themselves to the American public and their vision for our nation in this complex world that we live in.  Surprisingly, some of their view points were common perspectives while others were distinct and defined their specific agenda. The debate, compared to the previous ones, was more civil and Presidential with strong closing statements appealing for your vote.

As world affairs and United States foreign policy were debated and discussed, including Iran as the most prominent threat to be dealt with,  the issue of Missile Defense was broached by both of the Presidential Candidates specifically and inherent in their overall national security positions.

President Barack Obama referred to helping fund and support the Israel “Iron Dome” system and providing Israeli citizens and cities defense and security against rockets and mortars. This system built by Israel has had numerous successes defeating and destroying incoming small rockets against civilian populations since its existence and will continue to have its deployment expanded throughout Israel. President Obama also stated, with firm conviction, “that our Nation will be carrying out the largest military exercise with Israel in history this very week.” This event named; ‘Austere Challenge 12’ is a continuously evolving missile defense exercise that combines U.S. and Israel missile defense systems and their troops, sailors, and airmen against potential ballistic missile strikes from Iran. Both of these references are illustrations of President Obama’s strong support and priority of missile defense in his administration in ensuring our allies in Israel and additionally in Europe through his European Phased Adaptive Approach to have regional deployed capabilities against current and evolving threats.

Governor Mitt Romney referenced his support of the strategic national missile defense system that would have had missile defenses forward based in Europe (Poland) that offered the United States homeland a first line of protection from Iran.  He further challenged President Obama on the withdrawal of that particular system from Poland that now leaves no missile defense capability forward based in Europe to intercept ballistic missiles from Iran that would be heading towards the United States homeland. Governor Mitt Romney also stated his will to increase U.S. Navy Ships from 285 to 313, the majority of that increase would most likely be Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense capable ships. Both of these references are reflections of Governor Romney’s support of missile defense and his priority of ensuring strategic homeland defense while supporting a bigger role for U.S. Navy ships in providing regional defense and security around the globe.
These two differing perspectives of missile defense priority were evident in their debate last night and can be extrapolated into two basic views;

A safer world in protection and defense of our allies brings more prosperity, stability, and alliances making our nation more safe and secure.

A stronger America in the world brings more prosperity and security making our nation safer and more secure.

Regardless of who becomes the next President of the United States of America, both of these views are part of the solution to preserve peace and prevent war.


Click here for a full transcipt of last night’s Presidential Debate.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff