Prague to Warsaw through Moscow

March 25, 2008

Dear Members and Friends,

Over the past two weeks, MDAA provided education and advocacy on Missile Defense in four European countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Poland. The latter three of these central European Countries look to be hosting deployed missile defense systems that would protect their national sovereignty, Europe and NATO as well as offer redundant missile defense coverage of the United States from ballistic missile threats.

MDAA and two members of its Advisory Board, Lt. General Ronald Kadish (ret.), former Missile Defense Agency Director, and Ambassador Robert Joseph, former Under Secretary of State, visited the potential missile defense site locations and interacted with the communities in the Brdy Region of the Czech Republic and the Slupsk/Ustka Region of Poland, as well as the capitals of these two countries. From our visit and perceptions of the political climate on the national and local levels, we believe both the radar in the Czech Republic and the 10 ground based missile defense interceptors in Poland will be deployed.

Primary motivations of hosting Missile Defense differ between the two countries as the Czech Republic wants the responsibility of providing a radar and sensor information for the defense of NATO while Poland views Missile Defense as an enabler to modernize its armed forces. Notably, Iran is not regarded or perceived as a direct threat to Poland or the Czech Republic but is seen as a threat to Europe, NATO and the United States. From our perspective, there continues to be a clear lack of information provided to the public on missile defense in both Poland and the Czech Republic. It is also very clear that the majority of the public sentiments in both these countries are sensitive to Russia.

The movements this past week by U.S. State and Defense Departments to engage with Russia at the highest levels on Missile Defense is to be commended. These diplomatic efforts and discussions on the reassurance of the intentions of a NATO missile defense system in Central Europe eases the fears and misinformation that Russia may have as well as addresses the mutual and common threat of Iran to Russia, Europe and the United States. The outcomes of these talks have been received very favorably by the people and governments of Poland and the Czech Republic.

We anticipate and look forward to an historic missile defense agreement among these nations to preserve and protect the people of Europe, NATO and the United States of America from the ballistic missile threat posed by Iran.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff