A Summer to Remember

August 31, 2007

Dear Members and Friends,

On behalf of our membership, MDAA broke ground with Colonel Steven Tanous, 30th Space Wing Commander at Vandenberg Air Force Base to officially begin the construction of the Ronald Reagan Missile Defense Memorial. The site is located on a hill with a magnificent view of the Ronald Reagan Missile Defense Site against the backdrop of the natural Californian landscape and the Pacific Ocean. Currently at this site are four ground based long range defensive missiles housed in four silos, three of these missiles are fully operational and are in place protecting the United States, the remaining interceptor is a test missile which will fly in an upcoming intercept test. This marks a current total of 23 operational deployed ground based interceptors on alert, 20 of those deployed in Fort Greely, Alaska. Having these missiles located in California allows an extra 10 minutes in decision making time as well as an extra layer to increase redundancy and success. It is with great distinction that President Reagan’s bust will face these missile fields and out beyond the Pacific Ocean as his vision nearly 25 years ago is now a reality. These defensive missiles send a resounding message of dissuasion, deterrence and protection. The unveiling and completion of the Ronald Reagan Memorial is scheduled for March 2008.

This event concludes an advocacy tour around the country on Missile Defense and coincides with the closure of summer this Labor Day weekend. Amongst the cities and communities such as Salt Lake City, Detroit, Las Vegas, Huntsville, Honolulu and Los Angeles was the consistent and growing momentum of public support for missile defense. The public’s reflection and strength representing a stunning 83% support for missile defense during these past summer months. This public survey, in much more detail, is available for your review.

This summer represented continued confidence in Missile Defense both in testing and development by the Department of Defense and in bipartisan votes of Congressional Support highlighted by the 90-5 vote.

It is a summer that has galvanized and brought forward the highest public support for missile defense.

A summer to remember.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff
