Taking Care of America

June 09, 2006

In Washington D.C., members of our organization had the unique experience to be recognized by the highest level of our government as well as to interact and receive current in-depth insight on the issue of missile defense. Your fellow members left the capital of our country engaged, inspired and focused.

MDAA had the honor of being in the presence of and interacting with several major players who continue to shape our government’s policy, funding, international support and deployment of missile defense.

At the conclusion of the event, on behalf of all of our members, MDAA was honored to present a bust representing the Ronald Reagan dedication event to Lt. General “Trey” Obering, Director of the Missile Defense Agency for its vision, dedication, leadership and execution in making the former President’s dream into a reality.

In the continued theme of appreciation, the United States Senate recognized the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance for the efforts of our members in supporting missile defense to our public in testimony. Senator Ted Stevens said, “I want to tell you that I personally am very pleased with everything I’ve heard about this, with the activities of the [National Missile Defense Support Group] [MDAA] that’s out there with Riki Ellison. I congratulate you on the way information is being disseminated throughout the country about the importance of the program and how it’s proceeding.”

The Deputy Secretary told all of us a story, that just after 9/11, a reporter asked a little 9-year-old girl, “What is patriotism?” She said, “Patriotism is taking care of America”.

We at MDAA are proud of all our members and friends who exemplify the term “patriotism” every day.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff
