The Enemies of Freedom Are Not Idle

May 7, 2003

“The proliferation of deadly weapons remains a serious danger. The enemies of freedom are not idle.”
– President George W. Bush in a speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, May 2, 2003

Members, Supporters and Friends:

This past week, Kim Myong Choi, the Executive Director of the Center for Korea-American Peace, told an Australian news network that it is obvious that North Korea has a minimum of 100 nuclear weapons. All of these weapons are locked onto U.S. cities. Kim claims that North Korea will use the weapons that it has if it is attacked by the United States as well or if an economic embargo was imposed.

Hostile nations possessing and proliferating possible nuclear weapons, further proves that we are living in an unstable nuclear time and it further bolsters the need to have the necessary protection from an attack from a rogue nation or terrorist organization.

We would like to commend the state of Georgia for recognizing the unrelenting threat to our shores and it has recently passed a senate resolution that supports the creation and deployment of a missile defense system. This bipartisan resolution passed with an astounding vote count of 46 to 1.

Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance is proud to announce its newest board member, Hatim Tyabji. Mr. Tyabji was the President and CEO of Verifone, Inc. from 1986 to 1998. In addition to Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, Mr. Tyabji is a current board member of Best Buy, Smart Disk, and Merchant e Solutions. He also serves as Chairman of the Board of the Datacard Group, on the Dean’s Council at the State University of New York at Buffalo, and as a trustee of the Carnegie Institute.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff