“As Long As I Am President”

December 20, 2010

Dear Member and Friends,

On Saturday, December 18th, President Barack Obama wrote a letter focused on his support of missile defense to the leadership of the United States Senate; Senator Harry Reid and Senator Mitch McConnell. The letter by the President of the United States of America is the strongest statement in support of missile defense during his time in office and maybe one of the strongest ever by a President of the United States.

The President’s concluding paragraph, highlighted below, sends a strong positive message to our nation, our allies and to the world in his commitment to developing and deploying missile defense.

“…As long as I am President, and as long as the Congress provides the necessary funding, the United States will continue to develop and deploy effective missile defenses to protect the United States, our deployed forces, and our allies and partners. My Administration plans to deploy all four phases of the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA). While advances of technology or future changes in the threat could modify the details or timing of the latter phase of the EPAA- one reason this approach is called “adaptive”- I will take every action available to me to support the deployment of all four phases.”

We applaud and support the President’s statement on missile defense.

With the President’s commitment, we look forward to bringing more confidence in our missile defense system; making our nation, our troops and our world safer.

Click here for the full letters to Sen. Reid and Sen. McConnell.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff
