Missile Defense Proves Its Capability to Defend the Homeland of the United States

December 05, 2008

RONALD REAGAN MISSILE SITE, VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., Dec. 5 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ –Riki Ellison, Chairman of the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (MDAA) www.missiledefenseadvocacy.org was at Vandenberg AFB this afternoon watching the launch of the missile defense ground based interceptor in its successful intercept test today. His comments and observations include the following:

“On a stunning crystal clear day off the California coast against a warm breeze and the backdrop of the Pacific Ocean, the United States launched a ground based long range interceptor at 12:20PM (PST) and 7 minutes later the missile successfully intercepted an incoming long range target warhead high in space, achieving the most realistic operational long range test ever performed by the United States of America.”

“The proven success of the integration of a remarkable highly technical complex system is an engineering achievement that is generations ahead of any country in the world.”

“This test represented a North Korean long range missile targeting the Northwest region of the United States. The test used the same missile defense systems that are currently deployed and operational today defending the United States from North Korea. From the sensors, the battle management, the interceptor to the soldiers that manned the consoles that tracked, discriminated and terminated the target was the same. In addition, two U.S. Aegis ships that were ballistic missile capable were involved as they would be in the Sea of Japan on a North Korean missile attack. The following missile defense systems were used today:

  • Defense Satellite Program (DSP) to detect the initial launch,
  • TPY-2 forward based radar to begin tracking that was based in Juneau, Alaska. There is currently one deployed in Shariki, Japan.
  • The Beale Early Warning Radar (EWR) for further tracking and discrimination based in California. There is a deployed (EWR) in Sheyma, Alaska.
  • The Sea Based X-band radar (SBX) did the final tracking and was the primary sensor for the interceptor to position itself for the intercept. It is currently deployed in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii. The SBX is to be stationed in the waters off of Adak Island, Alaska.
  • The Battle Management Command and Control in Colorado Springs at Shriver Air Force Base managed the integration and intercept of this test as it would do against a real missile threat from North Korea.
  • The 100th missile defense brigade in Fort Greely, Alaska manned the consoles and performed the battle action on this test as they would do against a missile threat from North Korea.
  • The interceptor and silo based in Vandenberg Air Force base was launched as there are three other fully operational intercept missiles in their silos nearby for the protection of the United States.”

“This significant test proved the operational realism of a deployed long range missile defense system to protect the United States of America from North Korean ballistic missiles.”

“Assurance through testing, is in place today sending a strong credible demonstration to North Korea and those that threaten the United States, the U.S. Armed Forces and our allies around the world.”

Ellison closed his remarks saying, “We are grateful and admire the great work of the civilian team in the DOD for their many years of service.”

Riki Ellison is on site at Vandenberg AFB and will take calls on his cell at 571 213-3328 for interviews. Also call Mike Terrill at 602 885-1955 for assistance.

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