The Land Down Under

May 24, 2007

“We do support the concept of missile defense and we do work with our friends and allies on that issue,” said Downer. “But for as long as people have missiles, there will be a sense that it –look, it’s common sense to have some kind of a missile defense system. So we support it as a concept.”
Recognition of the Australian Government on their intention and support of developing and deploying Missile Defense, as well as recognizing the threat to their country and region from North Korea was announced yesterday at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California. Click here for full remarks from the conference.

The Missile defense effort in Australia will most likely comprise of sea-based missile defense in the development of two to three Aegis equipped ships with advanced SM-4 interceptor missiles. Along with this effort, Australias world renowned advanced sensor technologies in over the horizon radar capabilities will also add great capability to missile defense in that part of the world.

The location of Australia between the Indian and Pacific Oceans and their future application of missile defense strengthens, as well as unites U.S. and Japanese missile defense current and future assets in the Asia Pacific region. It sends a strong message of international commitment, deterrence and dissuasion to that part of the world, as well as a message that gives momentum to Europe as they process the deployment and initiative of missile defense.

We find it quite symbolic that this announcement was made at the invitation of Nancy Reagan at the Ronald Reagan Library and MDAA was there.

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