Best and Brightest

March 7, 2007

The Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance is honored to announce that the recent United States of America Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, Ambassador Robert G. Joseph as the newest member to serve on the MDAA Advisory Board.

This past month, Ambassador Robert Joseph concluded a distinguished career in government and public service that included policy formation and implementation for our country at the highest levels with The Department of State, The National Security Council, The Department of Defense, and as Ambassador. In addition, Ambassador Joseph has held positions as Professor at the National Defense University and the National War College.

While serving as the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, Ambassador Joseph was the principal State officer for non- and counterproliferation, as well as for arms control, arms transfers, and regional security and defense relations. In his previous position with The National Security Council, he served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Proliferation Strategy, Counterproliferation and Homeland Defense. Ambassador Joseph also served as Principal Deputy Assistant for International Security Policy and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy for The Department of Defense. He was also named Ambassador to the U.S.-Russian Consultative Commission on Nuclear Testing and Commissioner to the Standing Consultative Commission.

Ambassador Robert Joseph?’s addition to our Advisory Board adds tremendous expertise in the field of missile defense policy and its role in the global community as a means of Counterproliferation. Missile defense’s growing ability to act both as a dissuader of proliferation and as an enabler to negotiate peaceful solutions, rather than pre-emptive military action, is without question making our world a safer place. Ambassador Joseph has been a significant part of this multilateral and multinational movement of missile defense. His stature enhances and compliments the current members of MDAA’s Advisory Board who in their own right are leading experts on the technical and operational aspects of the current deployed missile defense systems. Click here to read more about the MDAA Advisory Board.

MDAA today is now better able to educate our public and the citizens of the world on the benefits and the need for Missile Defense thanks to Ambassador Robert Joseph. On behalf of our members, we welcome and embrace his remarkable experience and leadership on this vital issue.

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