The Ohio Report

October 13, 2004

Dear Members and Friends,

MDAA’s recent polling and media tour of the state of Ohio coincided with the Vice Presidential Debate at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, where both candidates reiterated the most pressing concerns for national and homeland security-the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It is both surprising and revealing that the polling results from registered voters of Ohio show the highest amount of support for missile defense (87%) and its early deployment (83%) amongst all of the states MDAA has polled. A state that represents the center of our country, and which has experienced significant loss of jobs and will play a major role in the presidential election, clearly understands the need for and priority of missile defense.

MDAA’s impact in Ohio made positive gains on the public by having Cleveland’s largest paper – “The Plain Dealer” – run an article on missile defense the day before the debate and one after the debate clarifying for the first time on national press the Presidential candidates’ positions on this issue. We also had public response from these articles and have included one of the letters to the editor to the “The Plain Dealer.”

Another promising result from Ohio was the overwhelming support for missile defense and its early deployment from women and their swing vote on this issue. MDAA’s press release reflecting the voice of women from Ohio on this issue was picked up by a wide variety of newspapers. This development continues to be consistent with our polling of other states showing strong support by women for missile defense.

MDAA was able to brief both state Presidential Campaigns including the Cuyahoga County Campaign headquarters as well as some of the Ohio federal delegation including Senators DeWine (R) and Voinovich (R) and Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D). The briefings summarized the polling results and MDAA’s message points which are included on our web site. MDAA was also pleased that its meeting with State Senator Steve Stivers, a member of the Ohio Homeland Security Force, resulted in a presentation of missile defense to the entire Ohio Homeland Security Force representatives.

Ohio Power Point Presentation
Ohio Top Line Poll Results
87% support missile defense
83% support early deployment of missile defense
76% believe it is money well spent
64% believe missile defense should be a national top priority;
68% will support a presidential candidate who supports missile defense;
79% would rather have a partial missile defense system in place than none at all;
28% believe a greater emphasis be put on non-proliferation treaties and buy back programs
24% believe missile defense should not be deployed until further testing
79% would feel safer with a deployed missile defense

Ohio Women Top Line Results
86% support missile defense
84% support early deployment of missile defense
75% believe it is money well spent
63% believe missile defense should be a national top priority;
69% will support a presidential candidate who supports missile defense;
80% would rather have a partial missile defense system in place than none at all;
27% believe a greater emphasis be put on non-proliferation treaties and buy back programs
24% believe missile defense should not be deployed until further testing
79% would feel safer with a deployed missile defense

Ohio has a wide diversity of people, especially in Cleveland where eastern European ethnicity is strong as well as their remembrance of the Soviets. There sentiment is fiercely behind defense and missile defense\r\n\r\no Ohio has an international border with Canada which includes the coastline of Lake Erie. This exposure is of public concern.

Ohio’s proximity to the metropolis of Chicago also heightens public safety concerns from attacks by weapons of mass destruction.

The State of Ohio is a key swing state in regards to the presidential election and will have a major effect on the 2004 presidential election campaign. Ohioan views on issues such as missile defense will be taken seriously by both campaigns.

MDAA visited the state of Ohio October 4 through October 7, 2004. The goal of the trip was to take the pulse of Ohio voters, hear their views on missile defense, educate them on the issue and reflect their position to each of the political campaigns, elected officials and decision makers.

Some of the highlights of the MDAA’s educational and media tour is as follows:

MDAA Briefings:

U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (Democrat)
Cuyahoga County Democrat Party
Cuyahoga County Republican Party

MDAA Media Outreach:
Cleveland Plain Dealer (State Largest Newspaper)

Resource Library
