Report From Wisconsin

August 28, 2004

Dear Members, Supporters and Friends;

Enclosed is our final report from the state of Wisconsin where we traveled to Green Bay, Madison, Milwaukee, and Wausau engaging voters in a discussion on Missile Defense. Their response is strong, Wisconsin voters want a system deployed now. They support dedicating a small part of the defense budget to a system designed to protect lives, not take lives.

This independent public survey confirms what Presidential candidates have long known, that missile defense is a non-partisan issue with the vast majority of both Republicans and Democrats indicating a missile defense system is needed. In fact, 74% percent feel so strongly about the issue they would vote for a candidate who supports funding and deploying a missile defense system.

America’s Voice

The Wisconsin Report: Missile Defense a Public Safety Issue

Wisconsin voters show overwhelmingly support for missile defense and its immediate deployment, believing it is money well spent. The people of Wisconsin believe missile defense is a national priority and will vote for a President that supports and deploys missile defense. These statements among other highlights were revealed by a statewide public survey done by Public Strategies.

Power Point Presentation

Top Line Poll Results:
74% believe missile defense should be a focus of homeland security efforts and is a public safety issue; 67% believe missile defense should be a national top priority;
74% will support a presidential candidate who supports missile defense;
77% would rather have a partial missile defense system in place than none at all;
79% would feel safer with a system in place;
and 88% believe any missile attack on United States soil would have an adverse impact on Wisconsin’s economy.

As voiced by Wisconsin voters throughout MDAA’s advocacy tour, Missile Defense is a pubic safety issue they are concerned about.

Wisconsin has an international border with Canada which includes the coastline of Lake Michigan. This exposure is of public concern.

Wisconsin’s proximity to the metropolis of Chicago and Minneapolis also heightens public safety concerns from attacks by weapons of mass destruction.

Lack of resources and preparation for the first responders to handle a WMD attack in the major cities of Milwaukee and Madison is of great concern. Prevention has and will continue to be a top priority for the fire fighters, first responders and police.

The State of Wisconsin is a key swing state in regards to the presidential election and will have effect on the 2004 presidential election campaign. Wisconsin views on issues such as missile defense will be taken seriously by both campaigns.

MDAA visited the state of Wisconsin August 16 through August 19, 2004. The goal of the trip was to take the pulse of Wisconsin voters, hear their views on missile defense, educate them on the issue and reflect their position to each of the political campaigns, elected officials and decision makers.

Some of the highlights of the MDAA’s educational and media tour is as follows:

MDAA Briefings:

State Fire Chiefs Association
State First Responders Association
U.S. Rep. David Obey (Democrat)
John Kerry Wisconsin Campaign
George W Bush Wisconsin Campaign

MDAA Media Outreach:
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (State Largest Newspaper)
WISN ABC 12 (Live Morning Show)
WITI FOX 6 (Live Morning Show)
WISN News Talk 1130
WUWM News Milwaukee Public Radio (NPR Affiliate)
WMCS AM 1290\r\nWisconsin Public Radio (NPR Affiliate)

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