Renewed Focus on Missile Defense

August 19, 2004

Dear Members, Supporters and Friends;

On the heels of recent meetings with key Presidential advisors, President Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and MDAA President Riki Ellison find themselves in the media spotlight discussing the importance of missile defense.

President Bush’s remarks this week not only opened the missile defense dialogue among voters but also gives it a prominent seat in the campaign debate for both candidates. And, while President Bush is moving the cause forward, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld is addressing the threat and importance of rapid deployment.

With missile defense in the presidential campaign limelight for the first time, voters will now understand what MDAA supporters have long known—the important public safety and homeland security threats facing our nation and the role missile defense plays diminishing those threats. The American Public overwhelmingly supports missile defense and demands immediate deployment.

This sentiment is echoed again in Wisconsin, a key battleground state.

During a three day tour this week, MDAA received broadcast, print, and radio exposure designed to raise awareness and build support for missile defense. Among the media highlights are an interview with the state’s largest newspaper and live interviews with Fox and ABC affiliates in the largest media market in the state.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff