Crossing the Red Line

February 23, 2012

Dear Member and Friends,


Indicative statements from high government and defense officials are provoking increased tension that continues to rise between Iran, Israel and the United States, shaping into a potential military conflict.


Though this is not the end game that these three countries are seeking, it remains an increasingly viable option, as increased sanctions, international pressure and diplomacy for a desired peaceful solution are reaching critical points and taking effect.


Iran is surrounded by U.S. forces in neighboring countries and as such has an insatiable quest for nuclear power to deter these foreign forces and to assume a leadership role among its Arab peers. Nuclear power is Ayatollah Khamenei’s intent and is at the core of this religion-driven culture and government. Nuclear weapons and delivery platforms remain a non-negotiable quest for Iran as a nuclear deterrent that is fundamental for their self defense and survival in a Western world which they perceive to be run by the United States and Israel.


“We know that they’re trying to develop a nuclear capability, and that’s what concerns us. And our red line to Iran is, do not develop a nuclear weapon.”


–Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta


The United States’ red line is drawn, as our Secretary of Defense states, and as a nation we must be able to stand by it.


If the red line is crossed, our United States military in the Middle East and in protection of Israel of both CENTCOM and EUCOM Combatant Commanders will rely heavily on the best, most equipped missile defense Command in the world and among all of our military Services: The 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command (AAMDC) of close to 12,000 soldiers.


The 32nd AAMDC will be solely looked towards to coordinate and fully integrate any missile defense fight throughout the Persian Gulf region and Middle East, including Israel.


Not only can the 32nd AAMDC perform successful missile defense engagements with its four Brigades of 13 Battalions of multiple fire units, it also locates and coordinates the offensive targeting locations of adversary missile locations and Command structures, providing them to the Air Combat Command (ACC) at CENTCOM. The 32nd AAMDC has both passive and active defensive commands to engage after adversary offensive missiles are fired to locate their launchers, access where they are going, and immediately provide additional targets to the ACC for counter fire. Additionally, the 32nd AAMDC must continue to actively coordinate all of its brigades and fire units to counter the predictable and unpredictable adversary ballistic missile war plans.


In times of red lines it is vitally important that our nation provide the 32nd AAMDC with enough equipment, missiles, manpower and sensors to be fully capable to defend and protect our own armed forces and allies in the region if and when a red line is crossed.


The FY13 budget request released last week included major reductions in THAAD, Aegis and Israeli Cooperative Programs that are necessary in the missile defense fight in the Middle East.


Major cuts (President’s FY13 Budget Request compared to FY12 actual

funding) include the following:


-$250 million reduction in THAAD system procurement; 36 interceptors instead of 42


-6 THAAD Fire Units instead of 9


-$175 million reduction in Aegis BMD procurement; 29 SM-3 Block 1B interceptors instead of 46


-$160 million reduction in BMDS AN/TPY-2 Radars procurement; 1 radar instead of 2


-$135 million reduction in Israeli Cooperative Programs research and development


In times of red lines we all hope that they are never crossed, but if they are we need to be there in strength and resolve.

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