The Facilitator

May 4, 2007

MDAA had the distinct honor of hosting the Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso and a bipartisan delegation of Japanese Parliamentary Members of the National Diet, including the Japanese Ambassador Ryozo Kato for the majority of the day on Wednesday the 2nd, May 2007 in Washington, D.C. Most significantly, MDAA was able to facilitate two separate United States Senate and United States House of Representatives bipartisan meetings between our elected officials and those of the Japanese Delegation on missile defense. In addition, MDAA brought together senior ranking officials from the Administration and the Department of Defense to listen, discuss and exchange views with the official Japanese delegation.
We believe MDAA plays a role as a third and independent party to help bring forward candid discussions on missile defense amongst like minded countries with public elected officials on the understanding and mitigation of the threats from ballistic missiles as a way to work together for mutual and acceptable responses to those threats. To that ideal, we believe that international partnerships involving missile defense will enhance deterrence, increase dissuasion and stabilize volatile regions where ballistic missiles are used to threaten and coerce thus making our world a safer place.

The Participants:
The Japanese Delegation

Foreign Minster Taro Aso

Ambassador Ryozo Kato Hon. Tadamori Oshima (LDP)

Hon. Shigeru Ishiba (LDP)

Hon. Yutaka Fukushima (LDP) Hon. Shuji Kira (DPJ)

Hon. Akihisa Nagashima (DPJ)

Hon. Kentaro Sonoura (LDP)

The United States House of Representatives

Representative Rob Andrews (D) New Jersey

Representative Trent Franks (R) Arizona

Representative Dave Loebsack (D) Iowa

Representative Doug Lamborn (R) Colorado

The United States Senate

Senator Daniel Inouye (D) Hawaii

Senator Ted Stevens (R) Alaska

Senator Wayne Allard (R) Colorado

The Administration and Department of Defense

Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England

Lt. General Trey Obering

Rear Admiral Brad Hicks

Assistant Secretary to State John Rood

Principle Director for East Asia Department of Defense John Hill

Senior Director for Policy National Security Council William Inboden

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