Alexandria, Virginia – January 14, 2022

MDAA brought forward our nation’s very best missile defender from each of the five military services from around the world to be honored and recognized for excellence in leadership in 2021. This leadership of excellence from Technical Sergeant to Major, and from our Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, and Space Force, represented the apex of U.S. missile defense around the world today and put forward under the command of the Commander in Chief, President Joe Biden.
The five honorees, Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jeremy Howard of the U.S. National Guard, Sergeant First Class Matthew Crain of the U.S. Army, Lieutenant Kristen Ringwall of the U.S. Navy, Major Robert Heath Matthews of the U.S. Air Force, and Technical Sergeant X. Victor Kearney of the U.S. Space Force, led from their positions of command and leadership to earn respect, trust, and honor for their actions in operating and further developing the most prominent integrated air and missile defense platforms and systems that have been put in place in the world today.

Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jeremy Howard
3rd Battalion, 265th Air Defense Artillery Regiment
Florida Army National Guard
U.S. Army National Guard

Sergeant First Class Matthew Crain
38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade
Sagamihara, Japan
U.S. Army

Lieutenant Kristen Ringwall
USS Howard (DDG-83)
Yokosuka, Japan
U.S. Navy

Major Robert Heath Matthews
603d Air Operations Center
Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany
U.S. Air Force

Technical Sergeant X. Victor Kearney
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command
Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii
U.S. Space Force
Presenting these inspirational leaders were distinguished flag officers senior non-commissioned officers of each of the respective services and command that commanded their mission of deterrence and defense to provide stability and peace to the populations and homelands that they protect.

Lieutenant General Jon A. Jensen
Director of the Army National Guard
U.S. Army National Guard

Command Sergeant Major John Foley
Senior Enlisted Leader for U.S. Army Recruiting Command
U.S. Army

Vice Admiral Ronald Boxall
Director, Force Structure, Resources and Assessment, J8, Joint Staff
U.S. Navy

Lieutenant General Nina Armagno
Director of Staff, Headquarters, U.S. Space Force
U.S. Space Force
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