2024 Near Space Domain Forum

On Friday, April 19, 2024, the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance hosted the Near Space Domain Forum with the University of Arizona to explore, study, and critically think about capabilities in this domain to make our nation and the world safer.

The College of Engineering and its near space partner, Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, co-hosted the Near Space Symposium on April 19. Read the press release below

Near Space Symposium Strengthens Ties Between University, Industry and Government


COL David Short
U.S. Northern Command

COL Erikk Hurtt
U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command

John Rood
Former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy

RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery
Former Director of Operations, PACOM

Maj Gen (Ret.) Charles Corcoran
Former Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, USAF

David Hahn
Craig M. Berrge Dean, UA College of Engineering

Michael Wu
Department Head, UA Electrical & Computer Engineering

Saikat Guha
Director, NSF Center for Quantum Networks, UA Optical Sciences

Roberto Furfaro
Professor, UA Systems & Industrial Engineering

Chris Walker
Professor, UA Astronomy & Steward Observatory

Hao Xin
Professor, UA Electrical & Computer Engineering, Physics

Alex Craig
Assistant Professor, UA Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

Jekan Thanga
Associate Professor, UA Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

Pavel Polynkin
Research Professor, UA Optical Sciences

Riki Ellison
Chairman and Founder, Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance



Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff
