287 Results for: hypersonic missiles china

alert | February 2, 2021

Living Dangerously

For people around the globe, 2020 can in many ways be described as the ‘Year of Living Dangerously’ due to

alert | January 15, 2021

Divest to Invest “Army Aegis Ashore, AAA”

“To remain ahead of our competitors, we will divest ourselves of… non-core Navy missions like Aegis-ashore. Transferring shore-based Ballistic Missile

post | January 12, 2021 | Missile Defense News

Japan to mull joining US ‘satellite constellation’ initiative to counter missile threats

The Mainichi:   The Japanese government will consider joining the United States’ “satellite constellation” initiative — aimed at accurately observing

alert | December 16, 2020

Clawing Our Way Forward

As seen in our interactive map released on Friday, there have been over 78 publicly acknowledged rocket, mortar, and drone

post | December 15, 2020 | Threat News

Report estimates Chinese nuclear stockpile at 350 warheads

Defense News:   A paper published by the Chicago, Illinois-based Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has estimated that China has

alert | December 3, 2020

As The World Turns

The world is evolving rapidly as the second decade of the 21st Century has been marked by increasing instability in

alert | November 20, 2020

Section 1, Article 8

“The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide

alert | November 12, 2020

In The Gray Zone

With an acting U.S. Secretary of Defense abruptly appointed and a U.S. presidential election being contested, our adversaries may well

alert | October 30, 2020

A Navy That Swarms The Sea

Both China and Russia, the United States’ competitive peers, have placed significant emphasis on developing and deploying Anti Access/Area Denial

alert | October 23, 2020


Numerous countries throughout the Indo-Pacific are reasserting their commitment to freely fly, sail, and operate where international law allows. In