From the origin of our first National Guard regiment dating to 1636, our Guardsman have been defending the American homeland for over 300 years. On 30 March 2022, we hosted, honored, and recognized today’s Guardsmen who operate the missile defense of our nation’s capital. The 2022 National Capital Region Missile Defender of the Year hosted here in Alexandria, VA, the hometown of one of the very best National Guardsmen, American President George Washington. We had a packed venue with 75 National Guardsmen representing the best teams who are defending the National Capital Region (NCR). Operation Noble Eagle stood up right after the horrifying air attack on U.S. soil on 9/11. MDAA was created at the same time as the United States withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to best defend the Nation from Missile Attacks.
A critical component of Operation Noble Eagle is the NCR-Integrated Air Defense System. The NCR-IADs are comprised of ground and air-based defense systems that are operated by our Army and Air Guardsman. The Joint Air Defense Operations Center (JADOC) was stood up to serve as the command-and-control center for these various assets. We recognized the best performing teams over the past year for their excellence in operating the Sentinel Radar, Avenger, and NASAMS, along with a critical Support Team, the JADOC Floor Operators, and the Airmen who all JOINTLY work together protecting our nation’s capital. We awarded 19 total of the best of the best.
As one of the young awardees stated in his acceptance speech “I have been to the range a lot but I have never been around this much brass”. We had a few brass leading with Lt Gen Marc Sasseville (Vice Chief, NGB), MG Giselle Wilz (Director of Staff, NGB), Maj Gen Charles Corcoran (Assistant Deputy, Chief of Staff, Operations, US Air Force), and Brig Gen Christopher Faurot (Guam TAG). MG Giselle Wilz and Brig Gen Christopher Faurot provided remarks to inspire and honor the awardees. Compelled by the experience of all 19 of the honorees and each of their remarks to the audience, Lt Gen Marc Sasseville asked to speak at the end. It was exceptional and inspiring to the audience as he was there at the JADOC when it first stood up but more importantly, he was in the air flying a fighter aircraft on 9/11 and committed to sacrifice himself and his wing-woman to negate the next air threat into the Capital Region on 9/11. He is a Missile Defense Legend for the National Capital Region.
As we look out into the world and see the devastating missile attacks descending on other national capitols from Ukraine, UAE, and Israel, we here in the United States can feel safe knowing we have the best of the best from our National Guard keeping watch, ready to protect and defend our nation’s capitol.
Sentinel Team Awardees
Specialist Theodore Mandt

Specialist Christopher Gibson

Avenger Team Awardees
Specialist John Freund

Sergeant Carl Leinen

Sergeant Erin Brooks

NASAMS Team Awardees
Specialist Noah Widmer

Sergeant Joseph Bruce

Sergeant Raymond Ruschel

Support Team Awardees
Specialist Gordon Isler

Staff Sergeant Matt Llewellyn

Battalion JADOC Operations Team Awardees
Specialist Billy Payne

Specialist Jack Schwartz

Staff Sergeant Alexander Bryson

Second Lieutenant Jacob Eberle

Captain Tanner Sundet

Air Force Awardee
Senior Master Sergeant Angel Aponte

Task Force JADOC Operation Team Awardees
Sergeant Vincent Kennedy

Major Matthew Campbell

Major Austin Garland

Heroes associate with heroes. Winners associate with winners to win, and our best of the best associate with the best of the best in the missile defense of our capital region.