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The 2023 Indo-Pacific Missile Defender of the Year Awardees and presenters with Riki Ellison at the ceremony held in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 3, 2023.

“This is about deterring those guys from fighting us. It’s about peace in this world. It’s about word championship to retain the world order that we live in. It’s so cool because it’s just, this is the defense that’s going to do this, 100%. And we’re going to do everything we can to fight for it. And people are becoming aware, the population of this country is going to support you. It’s exciting. You are the top edge of the game. You’re not in the backseat, man. You are in the front. And you are the ones who are going to win this game. So, it’s exciting. We’re very, very honored to recognize each of you. Here, you’re the winners of this room. The mayor, Steve, Jay, John, and Brian. So you’re why we’re here together. And it’s not getting offended or upset when you have to play with superstars. You’ve got to have double superstars guys. You don’t win without superstars. And those superstars do have eccentric personalities. And you have to be able to tap that, not be offended by it. You have to leverage it and be part of that to bring it. Because that’s the only way we’re going to win. It’s not no cocooning time. We’ve got to bring it. Bring it big. And we’re very honored. So thank you. Thank you for being a world champion. We’re trying to treat you like world champions, you are a world champion. Let’s go again. Thank you.”

Riki Ellison at the 2023 Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defender of the Year Ceremony in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 3rd, 2023

The Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance hosted the 2023 Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defender of the Year Award Ceremony in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Thursday, August 3, 2023. The event honored Air and Missile Defenders from the U.S. Army Pacific, U.S. Pacific Fleet, U.S. Pacific Air Forces, and the U.S. Space Force. The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Guardians demonstrated outstanding leadership excellence in air and missile defense in 2023 and directly contributed to the security of the United States homeland and our Allies and Partners in the Indo-Pacific.

Here are your 2023 Indo-Pacific Missile Defenders of the year:

Sergeant Kohlman Adler
Lieutenant Alexander Abrashoff
Lieutenant Carl Link
Lieutenant Greg McBride
Major Juan Rivera
Sergeant Grace Lee
Sergeant Joseph LeClerc
Sergeant Dylan Coffey
Specialist Brandyn Lessman
Major Nicholas Burriola.

Attending the ceremony to recognize the champions of the Indo-Pacific included Mayor Rick Blangiardi, City and County of Honolulu; ​LtGen Stephen Sklenka, Deputy Commander, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command; Lt Gen James Jacobson, Deputy Commander, PACAF; VADM John Wade, Commander, Joint Task Force Red Hill; MG Brian Gibson, Commander, 94th AAMDC, MG Josh Rudd, Chief of Staff, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command; MAJGEN Chris Smith, Deputy Commanding General (Strategy and Plans), USARPAC, Brig Gen Christopher Faurot, Assistant Adjutant General Air for the Guam National Guard and Air National Guard Assistant to the Director of Strategy, Plans, Programs, and Requirements, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces; Brig Gen Anthony Mastalir, Commander, USPACEFOR Indo-Pacific; MG (Ret) Suzy Vares-Lum, President, East-West Center; COL (Ret) Dave Shank, MDAA, Board of Advisors; Mr. Michael Bruno, Provost, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa; Ms. Sharon Brown, Champion, Youth Impact Program.

This event marks the 71st MDAA Missile Defender of the Year Award Ceremony, recognizing 882 awardees. More specifically, this is the 35th event in the Pacific, we have hosted seven missile defenders of the year ceremonies in Okinawa, two in other parts of Japan, six in Guam, eight in South Korea, four in Honolulu for the Indo-Pacific, and eight in Alaska.

2023 Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defenders of the Year:

U.S. Space Forces Indo-Pacific Awardee

Sergeant Kohlman Adler

U.S. Pacific Fleet Awardees

Lieutenant Alexander Abrashoff

Lieutenant Carl Link

Lieutenant Greg McBride

U.S. Army Pacific Awardee

Major Juan Rivera

U.S. Army Pacific Crew Awardees

Sergeant Grace Lee

Sergeant Joseph LeClerc

Sergeant Dylan Coffey

Specialist Brandyn Lessman

U.S. Pacific Air Forces Awardee

Major Nicholas Burriola

Mission Statement

MDAA’s mission is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile defense systems to defend the United States, its armed forces, and its allies against missile threats.

MDAA is the only organization in existence whose primary mission is to educate the American public about missile defense issues and to recruit, organize, and mobilize proponents to advocate for the critical need of missile defense. We are a non-partisan membership-based and membership-funded organization that does not advocate on behalf of any specific system, technology, architecture or entity.