Upgraded Russian anti-missile was tested in Kazakhstan

April 6, 2018

Army Recognition:

An upgraded Russian antimissile was tested in Kazakhstan. The only operational ICBM defense facility in Russia is the A-135 Amur deployed in the Moscow region to defend the so-called Moscow administrative and industrial area. It became operational in 1995 and replaced the previous-generation A-35M.

Amur comprises multifunctional all-round view radar Don-2N near Sofrino (range radar Don-2NP is in Sary-Shagan), command infrastructure and silo-based antimissiles of two types. The first echelon included exoatmospheric 51T6 interceptors with 32 nuclear warheads.

Their mission was to minimize reentry vehicles before they enter the atmosphere. At present it is believed the missiles have been decommissioned. The second echelon comprised 68 high-speed interceptors 53T6 with nuclear warheads that attack targets in the atmosphere.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff