Russian Project 20385 Gremyashchy corvette completes state trials

December 14, 2020

Navy Recognition:


The corvette will be made operational with the Navy after all of its mechanisms and systems are checked. The ship is planned to join the Navy in late December.

During the final stage of the state trials in the Baltic Sea, the crew fired the Redut air defense missile system, AK-190, and AK-630 artillery systems against a practice target imitating an adversary anti-ship cruise missile. The target was hit with air defense missiles fired by the corvette.

Earlier, the Gremyashchy corvette fired Kalibr (NATO reporting name: SS-N-27 Sizzler) and Oniks (SS-N-26 Strobile) cruise missiles against a coastal and seaborne target in the White Sea. It conducted artillery and torpedo live-firing in the Barents Sea…


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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff