Iranian-Backed Houthi Forces in Yemen Fire Missile at Saudi Coalition

November 21, 2018

The Jerusalem Post:

Iranian media reported on Monday that the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen fired a precision missile at Saudi-led coalition headquarters. It is not the first time the Yemeni-produced Badr P-1 ballistic missile has been used, but it represents another attempt by Iranian media to boast about the accuracy of their ballistic missile program, which is part of the wider network of Iranian-backed precision-missile weapons programs and technology transfer, including Hezbollah.

In late October, Houthi rebels in Yemen unveiled what they called a “domestically designed and manufactured smart missile intended to precisely hit specific targets.” It had all the trappings of a highly sophisticated weapon. They claimed it would minimize collateral damage and “increase lethality against designated targets.” It was designed to counter the Riyadh regime and the “atrocities of aerial bombardment” carried out by the Saudi-led coalition, which has been fighting the Houthis since 2015.

The missile used solid-propellant and was termed as Badr P-1, an upgrade from the Badr-1. It was said to have a pinpoint accuracy of “up to three meters.” The UN and other countries have alleged that Iran has transferred missile technology and parts to the Houthis.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff