The Washington Post:
Russia and China are engaged in robust efforts to fight wars in space, developing technology and weapons designed to take out U.S. satellites that provide missile defense and enable soldiers to communicate and monitor adversaries, according to a pair of reports released this week. The reports punctuate a growing concern by the Pentagon, which has been increasingly vocal about the vital role space plays in modern conflict.
And they come as some members of Congress have pushed for a “space corps,” a proposal that seemed to gain the backing of President Trump, who in a recent speech said that “space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air and sea. We may even have a space force. … We have the Air Force; we’ll have the space force.”
The proposal by the House last year to create the Space Corps, which would become the first new military service branch since the Air Force was created in 1947, was unsuccessful after top Pentagon leaders came out against the measure.