UK, South Korea join ASAT test ban, raising like-minded countries to seven

October 5, 2022

Space News:

The United Kingdom and South Korea have pledged not to conduct direct-ascent anti-satellite (ASAT) missile testing, throwing their weight behind the U.S.-driven initiative launched in April to promote peaceful and safe use of outer space.

This came about three weeks after Japan and Germany joined the initiative, raising the number of like-minded countries to seven. Canada joined the initiative in May and New Zealand in July. And more countries are expected to join as the U.S. ramps up efforts to promote the ban.

“The Republic of Korea commits not to conduct destructive direct ascent anti-satellite missile testing, following the U.S. announcement in April,” said Hwang Joon-kook, South Korea’s permanent representative to the United Nations, in an Oct. 4 speech at the U.N. First Committee’s third plenary meeting, which was livestreamed via UN Web TV.

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