287 Results for: hypersonic missiles china

post | July 28, 2021 | Threat News

China Developing Laser to Improve Hypersonic Missile, Aircraft Speed

The Defense Post: A team of laser experts at Beijing’s Space Engineering University is developing a device to further increase

post | June 15, 2021 | Threat News

MDA: U.S. Aircraft Carriers Now at Risk from Hypersonic Missiles

USNI News: U.S. aircraft carriers are already facing risks from hypersonic weapons that are now entering the inventory of American

post | April 7, 2021 | Other News

China builds advanced weapons systems using American chip technology

The Washington Post: In a secretive military facility in southwest China, a supercomputer whirs away, simulating the heat and drag

post | March 29, 2021 | Threat News

Russia Plans New Hypersonic Missile Test Amid Arms Race With U.S., China

Newsweek:   Russia’s military has announced it will conduct a new hypersonic missile test in the Barents Sea as the

post | March 23, 2021 | Missile Defense News

L3Harris Builds Prototype Satellite to Track Hypersonic Weapons

DesignNews.com:   Recently, L3Harris Technologies was awarded a $121 million contract by the Missile Defense Agency to build an orbiting

post | March 22, 2021 | Threat News

What Do We Know About China’s Newest Missiles?

Defense One:   As “great power competition” becomes the lingua franca of American strategy, U.S. policymakers and analysts must build

post | March 19, 2021 | Threat News

China Developing Hypersonic Swarms To Overwhelm Missile Defenses

Forbes:   Chinese researchers are working to network hypersonic weapons into a smart swarm for coordinated attacks. Such swarms would

post | January 19, 2021 | Threat News

Are Hypersonic Weapons All Hype?

The Diplomat:   Are hypersonics all hype? A new article by Dr. Cameron L. Tracy of the Union of Concerned

post | January 15, 2021 | Missile Defense News

L3Harris to build prototype satellite capable of tracking hypersonic weapons

C4ISRNET:   The Missile Defense Agency awarded L3Harris Technologies a $121 million contract to build a prototype satellite capable of

post | January 11, 2021 | Threat News

US aircraft carriers still rule the seas, but Russia and China both have plans to change that

Business Insider:   In August, China launched two ballistic missiles that, according to a Chinese military expert, hit a moving