287 Results for: hypersonic missiles china

post | September 18, 2018 | MDAA in the News

SpaceX: We’ll Consider Launching Space Weapons If Asked

Defense One: Today, it’s Tesla Roadsters; tomorrow, space lasers? SpaceX’s president and CEO says the firm would consider launching weapons

alert | August 30, 2018

We Have to Bring It

With the Chinese deployment of the CJ-10 air-launched maneuverable cruise missiles, with standoff ranges of over 500 miles, holding all

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Space-Based Missile Defense

On Tuesday, September 4, 2018, the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance hosted a discussion on Capitol Hill on “Space-Based Missile Defense.”

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Volume 12: 2014

Volume 12: 2014 Vol. 10, Issue 77, 12/19/2014: Just in Time for the Holidays Vol. 10, Issue 76, 12/19/2014: President

alert | July 19, 2018

Back to the Future

1980’s Russian fears and insecurity have serendipitously resurfaced earlier this week on the United States future initiatives in space, to include the

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Quick Facts PLA/NATO Designation HQ-18 (SA-12 Gladiator/Giant) Variants SA-12A Gladiator (S-300V with 9M82) SA-12B Giant (S-300V with 9M83) SA-23 Gladiator/Giant

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Quick Facts PRC/NATO Designation HQ-7 / FM-80 (CSA-4) Variants HQ-7A / FM-90 (CSA-5) HQ-7B (CSA-7) HHQ-7 (naval variant) Mobility and

alert | May 31, 2018

Change of Command, Not Change of Intent

“When I took this podium in 2015, I said there was no shortage of challenges that confront us: from North

alert | May 18, 2018

New Layers

On Wednesday, we were honored to have a great open and educating discussion on new layers of missile defense on

alert | April 5, 2018

Skipping Ahead

In the apogee of recent decades of the Missile Defense Agency’s budget of $11.5 billion for Fiscal Year 2018, 1.6%