Update: ‘Some remains’ of missing 10 sailors found after collision, admiral says

August 22, 2017

CNN Politics:

(CNN)”Some remains” of 10 missing US sailors have been found after the collision between the US destroyer John S. McCain and an oil tanker near Singapore, US Navy Adm. Scott Swift said Tuesday.

Navy and Marine Corps divers found the remains in the sealed compartments aboard the McCain, said Swift, commander of the Pacific Fleet. The Royal Malaysian Navy has also located one body, and officials are working to determine if it is one of the missing sailors, he said. Divers have also located others.
US military divers continue to search the flooded areas of the McCain. Ships and planes are scouring the seas east of Singapore. Divers will also assess the extent of damage to the warship, which is docked at a Singapore naval facility, according to the Navy.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff