Russian Submarines Fire Cruise Missiles at IS Stronghold in East Syria

September 15, 2017

Real Clear Defense:

Russia’s military fired seven cruise missiles Thursday at Islamic State targets in the eastern Syrian province of Deir el-Zour as pro-government forces closed in on the militants holed up in the eponymous capital.

Journalists on a trip organized by the Russian Defense Ministry watched from the deck of Russia’s Admiral Essen frigate as two submarines launched seven missiles from the Mediterranean Sea.

The Syrian government forces, backed by Russian air cover, last week broke a three-year siege around the city on the Euphrates river.

Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told reporters later that intelligence showed the missiles hit the targets southeast of Deir el-Zour, destroying a command center, a communications hub, an ammunition depot and an unspecified number of IS fighters.

Read the full article.


Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff