U.S. Senate Approves Funding for Hawaii Missile Radar System

June 12, 2020

Civil Beat

After losing funding in February, a missile defense radar system planned for construction in Hawaii is set to make a comeback after the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee voted to pass on the annual National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021.

The $740.5 billion defense policy bill includes a new Pacific Deterrence Initiative with $1.4 billion in initial funding that would shore up U.S. military resources in the region against what it considers to be Chinese encroachment. Chinese and Indian troops are currently engaged in a tense border standoff and Chinese fighter jets entered Taiwanese airspace on Tuesday.

That includes a $162 million authorization for the Homeland Defense Radar-Hawaii that reverses a Trump administration call to eliminate funding for the project in its proposed defense budget.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff