U.S. Air Force Secretary Could Take on Expanded Space Duties

September 21, 2015


The secretary of the U.S. Air Force would have a greater level of oversight over all Defense Department space programs, according to a draft memo from Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work obtained by SpaceNews.

The proposed move is intended to “de-emphasize individual programmatic actions in favor of strategic portfolio decisions,” Work’s memo says, and allows the service secretary more leeway to advocate for space programs and budgets.

The Sept. 15 memo is addressed to Shaun Donovan, the director of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. A Pentagon spokesperson, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Courtney Hillson, said Sept. 18 that Work’s memo is a draft and not official.

The proposed organizational changes, according to the memo, would come as the result of a 2014 Defense Department study of space assets known as the Space Strategic Portfolio Review and as part of a broader White House initiative to improve space protection efforts.

“The new focus on space as a warfighting mission and the drive for better and more thorough integration demands strengthened leadership through sharpened authorities and responsibilities,” the memo says.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff