Defense News:
The Missile Defense Agency’s $8.9 billion fiscal 2022 budget request focuses heavily on the development of future capabilities including a next-generation interceptor for homeland missile defense, a hypersonic defensive capability and space-based tracking critical to detecting challenging threats, according to budget documents released May 28.
The budget request is down slightly from last year’s request of $9.2 billion, but Congress in its FY21 spending bill injected $1.3 billion into the agency’s budget. For next year, the agency is requesting $7.16 billion in research, development, test and evaluation dollars, $1.24 billion in procurement and $502 million in operations and maintenance.
Some of the most significant efforts in FY22 include $926.1 million to develop a next-generation interceptor for the U.S. Ground-Based Midcourse Defense System positioned in Alaska and California…
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