The case for a layered missile defense of the US homeland

June 5, 2020

The Hill

During this time of uncertainty, Americans should be confident knowing our country already has protection against a very different type of threat: every hour of every day, 44 Ground Based Interceptors (GBI) split between Alaska and California are ready to defend all 50 states against incoming intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) attacks by rogue states. Inside U.S. command and control centers, military operators dutifully stand watch, ready to carry out a high-stakes defense of the homeland – a mission often described as “hitting a bullet with a bullet.”

While we are confident in our ability to defend the homeland against current missile threats by rogue states, the risks are anything but static. Launch-after-launch, our adversaries are learning and adapting through trial and error. The United States must constantly stay ahead of this threat to keep our homeland from becoming vulnerable to foreign coercion or attack. Letting our guard down would threaten U.S. alliances and limit options during a crisis, while stronger defenses give our leaders a margin of safety that enables them to more effectively negotiate disputes.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff