THAAD deployment in South Korea under U.S. review, says Seoul

September 11, 2015


SEOUL, Sept. 10 (UPI) — Seoul has no plans to discuss THAAD deployment with the United States in an upcoming meeting, because the proposal is still under U.S. review.

Speaking before the National Assembly’s National Defense Committee during a parliamentary audit, South Korean Defense Minister Han Min-koo said Thursday that discussion of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system is to not take place during the ROK-US Security Consultative Meeting in October, Yonhap reported.

“What I know so far, is that a comprehensive review of THAAD on the Korean peninsula is still under U.S. review,” Han told the committee, South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported.

Han said once Washington finishes its appraisal of the missile deterrent, the matter is to be discussed bilaterally.

The defense minister fielded the question regarding THAAD from ruling party lawmaker Yoo Seung-min, who said during the meeting he is concerned about public perceptions of the U.S.-South Korea alliance.

Yoo said the military alliance between Seoul and Washington is at the core of bilateral relations, and that the consultative meeting should be an unrivaled occasion for South Korea to reaffirm ties to the United States.

“Seoul must make it clear the U.S.-South Korea military alliance… is a blood alliance free of problems, and clarify this fact for the citizens of both the United States and South Korea.”

Yoo said there is concern South Korean President Park Geun-hye’s recent visit to China has led to unease over the future of the U.S.-South Korea alliance in both countries.

“The images and footage of the Victory Day parade have been too intense for the South Korean public, and we must offset the new development with other efforts,” Yoo said.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff