South Korean protesters denounce US anti-missile system

April 24, 2018

Times of Oman:

Seoul: Construction trucks moved into a South Korean base housing a US anti-missile system on Monday, infuriating villagers opposed to its deployment, two days after North Korea vowed to suspend nuclear tests and ahead of a North-South summit.

Thousands of riot police moved in to disperse the protesters who tried to keep supplies from reaching the site of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in the southern city of Seongju, just days before the first North-South summit since 2007.

“A peace treaty is being discussed… There is no more North Korea (nuclear threat) as an excuse (for deployment of THAAD). We can neither understand nor accept construction plans to operate the THAAD,” the THAAD residents’ committee said in a statement.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff