SMDC names its 2019 civilians of the year

November 25, 2019


Three employees have been named Civilians of the Year as they strive to be the best at supporting those defending the high ground.

The U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command named its 2019 Civilians of the Year: April S. Pellegrino, operations officer, USASMDC Army Space Personnel Development Office, for supporting staff category; Carrie David Campbell, public affairs specialist, SMDC Public Affairs, for the professional/technical category; and John C. Schocke, SMDC headquarters deputy chief of staff, for the technical/technical management category.

Pellegrino was nominated for processing more than 800 Army Space Badge requests as well as 700 3Y space cadre skill identifier/additional skill identifiers. She successfully re-wrote the Army Space Personnel Development Office procedural guide on “Procedures for Awarding the Space Badge to Army Personnel.”

Read the full article.


Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff