SMDC leads way for integrated air, missile defense

July 2, 2015

Redstone Rocket:

As the Army’s lead in missile defense, the Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command is taking charge in developing a holistic Army integrated air and missile defense, or AIAMD, strategy for the Department of the Army.

Integral to this endeavor is the 2015 Waypoint 1 to the 2012 Air and Missile Defense, or AMD, strategy. The purpose of the waypoint is to provide an assessment of the state of the Army AMD force and, where applicable, recommend adjustments to AMD programs.

SMDC/ARSTRAT is charged with synchronizing efforts across the AMD enterprise in terms of modernization, materiel development, testing and evaluation.

“In order to succeed in IAMD, we must offset fewer resources with more innovation to develop and maintain an affordable, integrated, interdependent joint and combined approach ready to answer the nation’s call – anytime, anywhere,” said Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “The effectiveness with which we field competent joint IAMD capabilities will help prevent catastrophic attacks on the U.S. homeland; secure the U.S. economy and the global economic system; and build secure, confident, and reliable allies and partners.”

IAMD is the integration of capabilities and overlapping operations to defend the homeland and United States national interests, protect the joint force, and enable freedom of action by negating an adversary’s ability to create adverse effects from its air and missile capabilities.

Gen. Raymond Odierno, chief of staff of the Army, designated Lt. Gen. David Mann, SMDC commander, as the Army’s AMD enterprise integrator Sept. 8 in support of the Army’s vision for Force 2025 and beyond…

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff