Raytheon Wins $52-Million and $29-Million Contracts for Advanced Sentinel Radars

February 1, 2019


The U.S. Army is tapping Raytheon to supply its soldiers with radars that will help protect them from airborne attacks. The contract will see Raytheon deliver 50 Enhanced Sentinel A3 radars to the Army by the end of 2022. Raytheon also won a $29-million contract to provide support for the radars over their life cycle.

The mobile ground-based radars are designed to counter enemy aircraft and missiles from forward troop positions. The Sentinel is a 3D radar operating in the X-Band frequency that automatically detects, tracks, identifies and reports a variety of airborne threats including helicopters, jets, cruise missiles and drones—giving troops an early warning capability.

It also includes an integrated friend-or-foe recognition capability that helps prevent friendly fire mishaps. It can track and prioritize more than 50 targets simultaneously, with 360 degrees of coverage, and is almost impervious to electronic countermeasures. It has a range of 47 miles—several times that of short-range weapons.

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