Raytheon moves to preliminary design for Glide Phase Interceptor for hypersonic defense

September 22, 2022

Breaking Defense:

Raytheon Missiles and Defense’s proposal for the Missile Defense Agency’s Glide Phase Interceptor program will begin preliminary design after the company reached a key milestone earlier this week.

The company announced Tuesday that it had completed the Systems Requirements Review-Prototype stage for the missile defense program, meaning that the contractor and the government have a mutual understanding of the requirements before moving forward.

The Glide Phase Interceptor is a Missile Defense Agency program that is designed to destroy incoming hypersonic missiles during their glide phase of flight, between the launch phase the and terminal phase. The interceptors would be launched from Navy Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense destroyers and integrate into the Aegis Weapon System to detect, track and engage hypersonic missiles, part of the Missile Defense Agency’s layered missile defense.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff