Poland’s ruling party announces makeup of Cabinet

November 10, 2015

Business Insider:

Poland’s conservative Law and Justice party announced the makeup of its new government Monday, with a moderate prime minister surrounded by a Cabinet that is very pro-American and suspicious of Russia.

Party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski announced that Beata Szydlo will be prime minister, as expected, after the party won power in a parliamentary election Oct. 25.

Standing alongside Kaczynski at the party headquarters in Warsaw, Szydlo then named the members of her Cabinet, who must be approved and sworn in by President Andrzej Duda. A date for that has not been set yet, but it is expected to happen soon after the outgoing government steps down Thursday and the newly elected parliament convenes for the first time that day.

Many of the government members also served in the last Law and Justice government, from 2005 to 2007, a time marked by a determined effort to purge the country of corruption and the influence of former communists. But critics accused Kaczynski and his allies of taking things too far, sometimes abandoning due process in their zeal to clean up the country and at other times using secret services against their political opponents…

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff
