Northrop’s battle command system brings down ballistic missile target

May 29, 2015


WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M., May 28 (UPI) — The integrated air and missile defense Battle Command System downed a ballistic missile in its first flight test by Northrop Grumman and the U.S. Army.

The test on Thursday was conducted using the IAMD BCS, a Patriot system radar and two adapted Patriot launchers connected at the component level to the IBCS integrated fire control network, Northrop Grumman said.

Using measurement data from the Patriot radar, the IBCS track manager established a composite track on the ballistic missile, the IBCS mission control software assessed the track as a threat and presented an engagement solution. The engagement operations center operator then used the IBCS mission control software to command the launches of two Patriot PAC-2 interceptor missiles to destroy the target in flight.

“IBCS is crucial to the Army vision for an IAMD C2 [command and control] capability across all echelons and AMD assets, including joint systems,” said Brig. Gen. (P) L. Neil Thurgood, Army program executive officer, Missiles and Space. “The success of IBCS allows our ability to acquire needed radars and interceptors to plug into our architecture without having to buy entire systems and to optimize the sensor/shooter relationship to the target.

“Additionally, IBCS allows for a single AMD C2 that is tailorable at every echelon and reduces the training burden while enhancing mission success.”

Northrop Grumman’s IBCS is to replace seven legacy command-and-control systems to provide a single integrated air picture, reduce single points of failure and offer the flexibility for deployment of smaller force packages. The networking sensors and interceptors – instead of linking them — provides wider area surveillance and broader protection areas.

IBCS’s open systems architecture allows integration of current and future sensors and weapon systems and enables interoperability with joint C2 and the U.S. ballistic missile defense system.

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff