New security force defends missile system in Guam

October 6, 2015

Pacific Daily News:

“Permission to assume the Defense of Guam Mission,” echoed through the Coral Reef Fitness Center on Andersen Air Force Base, Guam as Capt. Joshua Geis accepted his new duty as commander of the security force for Task Force Talon, 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command.

Delta Company, known as the “Dogs of War,” was taking part in a transition of authority ceremony where they officially uncased their colors and assumed responsibility of the security force mission for Task Force Talon.

Task Force Talon is the U.S. Army unit tasked with defending the skies over Guam from ballistic missile attack with the first forward deployed Terminal High Altitude Area Defense missile defense system.

The THAAD battery does not have assigned personnel to conduct site security so it requires a security force augmentation to defend the THAAD site known as Site Armadillo in Northwestern Guam.

The security force is responsible for perimeter security, entry control point operations, manning guard towers, site surveillance activities, roving patrols and providing a quick reaction force…

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff