New plan lays out proactive response to North Korean threats

November 3, 2015

Nikke Asian Review:

The U.S. and South Korea agreed on new guidelines for dealing with North Korean missile threats at an annual defense meeting Monday, including actively detecting and destroying the weapons in an emergency.

Washington and Seoul will work together to systematically implement new operational guidance for a comprehensive counter-missile strategy, South Korean Defense Minister Han Min-koo told a joint news conference with U.S. counterpart Ashton Carter after the meeting.

The two sides agreed on guidelines to “detect, disrupt, destroy and defend against North Korean missile threats” including nuclear and chemical weapons, a statement released after the meeting said. This “4D Operational Concept” calls for more proactive responses in an emergency, letting Washington and Seoul attack missile launch sites or submarine-launched ballistic missiles without waiting for Pyongyang to strike first.

South Korea confirmed plans to deploy its own missile defense system by the mid-2020s to improve its defense capabilities. Both sides agreed to enhance sharing of information on North Korean missile threats.

Carter and Han said North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs “pose a serious threat to regional stability and global security” and urged Pyongyang to “cease all activities related to its nuclear programs immediately.” They plan to continue joint military exercises to prepare for provocations by North Korea, such as its February 2013 nuclear test and the landmine blasts in the demilitarized zone in August. The two sides will work together more closely on a wide range of security challenges, including space and cyber defense…

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff