Missile warning, defense systems pact signed between U.S. Air Force, Engility

December 4, 2018

Military Embedded Systems:

CHANTILLY, Va. Engility Holdings has signed a $71 million award with the U.S. Air Force to provide systems engineering and integration services to the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center Remote Sensing Systems Directorate (RSSD).

Under the terms of the contract, Engility will provide systems integration expertise and personnel for RSSD’s missile warning, missile defense, and battlespace awareness missions; Engility will also support equipping worldwide strategic and tactical forces with weather and space-based environmental monitoring data for planning and execution of aerospace, ground, and naval operations.

This recent contract follows on from work Engility has performed on the Space Based Infrared System program since 2010 and Space Based Environmental Monitoring Systems support the company has provided since 2014.

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