Millennium Wins $235M Contract to Support MDA Ballistic Missile Testing Program

May 2, 2016

GovCon Wire:

The Missile Defense Agency has awarded a potential $235.4 million contract to Millennium Engineering and Integration to provide advisory and technical assistance services throughout the Ballistic Missile Defense System‘s testing life cycle.

Millennium will help the agency to implement, sustain and assess BMDS test plans, procedures and policies under the cost-plus-fixed-fee contract, the Defense Department said Friday.

MDA received four proposals for the initiative through a competitive bidding process and obligated $6.1 million at the time of award from fiscal 2016 research, development, test and evaluation funds.

Work will occur at various company facilities in Alabama, Virginia, Colorado and New Mexico as well as at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, Camp Smith in Hawaii and Hansco Air Force Base in Massachusetts.

The Pentagon expects Millennium to finish contract work by June 2021.

Original article.


Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff