Lawmakers push to boost Missile Defense Agency budget second year in a row

June 17, 2021

Defense News:

House and Senate lawmakers are again pushing to boost the Missile Defense Agency’s budget after Congress added $1.3 billion last fiscal year.

The MDA’s request in fiscal 2022 focuses on the development of future capabilities including a next-generation interceptor for homeland missile defense, a hypersonic defensive capability and space-based tracking critical to detecting threats.

The agency’s funding request comes in at $8.9 billion, but lawmakers believe that isn’t enough. That amount is slightly less than the FY21 request of $9.2 billion. But after Congress added more than a billion dollars to that budget because it believed there was a disconnect between funding and actually being able to meet the requirements of the National Defense Strategy, the drop is more significant.

In recent congressional hearings focused on the missile defense budget, lawmakers voiced concern over the MDA’s smaller FY22 budget request…

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Curtis Stiles - Chief of Staff